Sunday, June 14, 2009

06/14/09: 9 miles. Another BLESSING realized from that auto accident. Were it not for that accident, I'd still be running and never know the thrill of triking, and better yet, the unimaginable joy of triking w/ my daughter. Actually, she was biking.

Again, I forgot my camera. We had a lovely ride this evening around the 7 o'clock hour. From our driveway we hit the trail, traveled along the river, across the foot bridge, following the lazy & Flat River. We crossed 91, then rode through the woods, and then around the lake. As we were pedaling along, I heard my daughter scream in terror. When she calmed enough for me to understand her, this is when I realized another blessing from the accident, because she was coasting along on the outside edge of the road with me more toward the center of the road. Anyway, a chipmunk darted into her front tire and then jumped back to the grass on the edge of the road. When I am nervous or scared I laugh. Well, I was laughing at her and at the same time trying to console her (yes, she's an adult) b/c that had to be scary, but at the same time, whew! I was glad I wasn't on the outside edge of that road and out alone. People would've thought I was nuts, to just suddenly scream in terror (and I would have had I been the one the chipmunk tried to attack), and keep riding. Fortunately, for her, she had me to verify that she isn't nuts. Can you imagine? Just riding along, enjoying the beauty of the lake and them BAM! a chipmunk runs into your bicycle tire. I'm so glad it didn't die. We would have vomited right there.

When we made it back home we sat down at the counter w/ forks in hand and dug into a "Happy Birthday" cake, from our local grocery store, in honor of my daughter's former college room-mate. Happy B'day C!! Nope, b'day girl wasn't here, but we ate nearly 3/4 of that 1/4 sheetcake. We didn't eat all of it b/c we decided to only eat 8 miles worth of calories. That way, we actually lost one mile of calories. I know you make up dumb reasons and ways to count calories and eat what you shouldn't, also. My daughter and I create any reason to celebrate w/ cake. Last summer, we had a cake specially made. It was the size of the top layer of a wedding cake. It was decorated as a wedding cake - however, we called it the "un-wedding" cake. There's a long story, which has a short version, but I haven't requested permission to share it yet. Just suffice it to say, it was delicious and fit the occasion very splendidly. It is graduation open house season where we live. On the drive home from church, I was so tempted to stop at one of the sign posted parties and give a check to the graduate and sit down to enjoy the cake. That's how much I love those cakes. My Mom allowed me to eat cake for breakfast when I was a kid. My cousins thought that was the coolest thing. I allowed my kids to eat cake for breakfast, now and then. It has all the food groups: protein (egg), grain (flour), dairy (cream cheese frosting), fruit (cherry cream cheese frosting on a cherry cake), & fat/oil/sweets (butter, oil, sugar). ALL the necessary elements for a strong, healthy body. They all exercise as young adults so I don't think I harmed them too much. Or maybe that's why they exercise so well now ----- so they can still eat cake for breakfast (?).

Count your blessings. I didn't pay as close attention to daily blessings pre Jan 22, 08 as I do now. Little things that matter so much now. Like being able to stand up from the couch. Last summer, it took me, what seemed like, half a day to muster the energy and wherewithall (compound word?) to get myself off the couch. Physically, my body did not function in that manner. Tonight, I just got up and reflected back on last summer. I wasn't graceful tonight, but I didn't have to diligently work to twist my body in all directions trying to figure out how to make the different parts cooperate & coordinate with each other. I just got up w/o thinking about how to get up. A blessing. Another blessing.

I swept my tile floors today. Another blessing. It was a very, very slow endeavor. I wanted to do it, just to see if I could do it. My R thumb is a mess. At some point (when I can no longer tolerate the pain), it will receive a joint replacement. Due to its limitations in movement (it remains opposable, thank you) that sweeping motion creates quite a disturbance in the joint. Auto insurance pays for someone else to clean my house, for now. Another blessing. See how these blessings just stack higher and higher? This is progress, too. Last summer, I could barely stand up, let alone try to figure out how to hold a broom and make it sweep. I can sweep, but it is better for my thumb joint that I don't sweep. My hand dr wants me to care for that joint and postpone surgery as long as possible. He says a "young" woman, like me (bless his heart) who has many active years ahead shouldn't have this kind of surgery yet. So, I won't sweep again (for now). The house cleaner can do it next time :-)

This is a good summer. It is providing opportunity for me to see the incredible progress gained over the past year. And yet, I'm already anticipating MI winter :-( In spite of the splendor of summer, I sense winter's arrival. I can see it in the tree leaves. Even though they are beaming with green-ness right now, the fact that the leaves are growing means they will die, too soon. Like us, too, eh? Every breath we take is one breath closer to Eternity. Now, that's a great outcome! Even so, Lord Jesus, come! Back to nearly summer. This is gonna be a great summer. I feel it in my bones & in the metal that supports my bones :-)

Another blessing is less swelling in my legs. This allows the metal to be a bit more prominent. I can feel the metal in my legs. Odd sensation. When pedaling, I'm assuming that intermittent pain is muscle working around metal. That will be on my list of questions for my physiatrist visit tomorrow. Remember that kind of dr? He (in my case he is a "he") oversees all my rehabilitative care. He will likely say "not really sure, it could be". Then I'll ask my PT who will say "that is one of the variables." So, I'll determine for myself that that sensation is muscle trying to move around the fixed metal. I could be wrong on all counts. If anyone reading this has an opinion or similar experience please let me know.

Well, this has been a great day. Happy B'day to my friend, N! I'll eat more of that cake tomorrow in your honor! Thanks for a reason to continue the feast :-)

COUNT your blessings. Sometimes they are disguised. As always,
Blessings ABOUND!

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