Getting behind. Many tasks seem to consume my focus & energy and I'm not even doing the tasks -- they seem to remain stuck in motion in my brain. Going round & round & round - unable to stop the cog long enough to just do it. Probably there's a drug for this, too.
I am loathing taking meds. Need one to sleep. Then one to wake up. Need several to manage pain. And supplements to keep my cells from apoptosis. I need to investigate which one will help me actually get things done & out of my head & off the myriad lists.
For now, I desire to make brief blog posts re: each triking outing. Sometimes that may mean just a picture. Most times I remember to take my camera (need a new one w/ functioning zoom). I want to take a pic to remind me to make a post. I am learning a lot during the trike. Spiritual stuff. That's been resonating in my soul and splashes up in a scene that expresses what's been unutterable. I should take a voice recorder, also. So many things come to life when I'm out on that trike. THANK YOU, CITIZENS INSURANCE!
Writing is a great distractor, for now, from finding those lists. Brief commentary on the significance of the following pics, then off to find one of those lists.....
This is that house from an earlier post (which, may actually remain in a "draft" version, unposted yet.... list, where is that list?.....)
NOTICE the "DO NOT ENTER" sign. Friend, F, does not heed warnings. Yep, I followed, too. I challenge rules.
Oh, yeah, here's another one: ONE WAY -- note direction of my guide.
Looks serene, doesn't it? Perfect spring day. Gotta decide if I want to be "in training" mode this summer or que sera sera (reminds me of a call that's on one of those lists.... hang on..... hrs later, still trying to locate the correct phone number - keep getting transferred to the next person. THIS is why I can't stay focused. I finally sit down to do "one thing" and that one thing never gets done b/c of all the run around!!! Finally -- spoke w/ "the" person, who now needs to speak w/ others b/f finding out the next step. At least, the ball is out of my court . . . for right now.
Looks serene, doesn't it? Perfect spring day. Gotta decide if I want to be "in training" mode this summer or que sera sera (reminds me of a call that's on one of those lists.... hang on..... hrs later, still trying to locate the correct phone number - keep getting transferred to the next person. THIS is why I can't stay focused. I finally sit down to do "one thing" and that one thing never gets done b/c of all the run around!!! Finally -- spoke w/ "the" person, who now needs to speak w/ others b/f finding out the next step. At least, the ball is out of my court . . . for right now.
Trees are blooming all over this town. Beautiful! I hear the cherry trees in DC are in full bloom right now. Seasonal changes are amazing to watch; just seems time doesn't stand still long enough to fully appreciate all the displays. Perhaps that's good -- makes me want to drink it all in as quickly as possible: 1) it won't last long & 2) I may die yet today. BOTTOM UP - CHEERS!
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