Saturday, March 13, 2010

03/13/10: 6 miles of sunshine

I almost didn't trike today. The view from my perch on a chair in my apt was of drifting, menacing, dark clouds. The weather forecast called for "thunderstorms". Meteorologists annoy me. This pic below depicts most of my reality. After 4 attempts to load this picture in the correct position I give in. It is saved in the upright position in my computer. It turned every direction but the one preferred each time I re-loaded it into this blog. So, I give in. An upside down "Welcome" to you. Maybe there is some "down under" person reading this post who "gets it".

Spring is springing in the south. My trike's left front tire was flat again so I was uncertain how far I'd be able to trike today. I placed a friend "on alert", jic the trike & I needed to be rescued. The destination was Walgreens to pick up a partial-fill Rx. I am switching my Rx's to this pharmacy b/c the "other one" was continually making errors (including giving me a bottle of pills w/ over a dozen mutilated pills). Well, this one promises to be nearly as inept. They called a dr in the wrong state to acquire permission to fill the order. The wrong state?? Really??? The dr's name, STATE, & PHONE NUMBER are clearly printed on the Rx label. Do all the people w/ a "here's your sign" work in pharmacies????? Obviously, the dr called did not have me as a patient. No one from Walgreens called me to tell me "my" dr didn't claim me so they couldn't fill the script. The drug, in limbo, is necessary for me to be able to take another drug. Consequently, I haven't taken the other drug for a few days. Grrrrrrrrr!

Not only did I make it to Walgreen', but I risked going to the other side of town b/c it was such an inspiring day. People were out working in their yards, driving w/ windows down, walking, . . .
(Insert here the cute pic of 2 little kids in the covered red wagon posted at the beginning of this blog) --- again, grrr, I need lessons on how to make these pictures work in blog world. Parents were with these kids and granted permission for me to photo them.

While nearing the other side of town, I called my friend, C, to see if she was home and had water to spare. Yea! she was & did! She was "Jesus" to me today. I neglected strapping on the bag where I carry my water bottle. However, it was good to stop by and enjoy a glass of H2O and a cup of hot Morrocan tea (yummy!).
Upon leaving C's, I meandered slowly to spot signs of spring. This is MARCH, for goodness sake. The north won't see sights like these for many more weeks. In fact, the north grounds are probably white, no grass to be seen for a bit yet.
(The other pic that was inserted here disappeared - sigh)
I live beside a river. Can you detect the kayaker? He was gliding along just a little slower than I was triking. I stalked him for some distance. I need a new camera - my zoom feature is dead.
Spring colors seem to be the most vibrant, energy pulsing colors of the seasons. I love fall colors: deep, rich, powerful. Winter's snow color is brilliant, cleansing, dazzling. Summer colors are: life giving/sustaining, promise of permanence. Wow, poetic :-)

I wanted to photograph yellow daffodils, but didn't want to trespass into the person's lawn to get a close-up (need a new camera).
I almost didn't go out today. Glad I did. Glad a student stopped by my apt to tell me how warm it was outside. I would've remained inside trusting the weather report vs stepping outside to see for myself.
Blessings Abound!

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