Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18, 2010 Martin Luther King, Jr Day.

The following picture has absolutely nothing to do with MLK day. It is just a picture of today's feet attire selection. You cannot tell from this picture, but my socks are inside out because it seemed that the outside was softer than the inside & I wanted the softest side next to my skin.

Yes, I have a singular flip flop on my left foot (two flip flops wouldn't fit on this foot). Wearing my regular left shoe creates a significant height difference, which makes me hobble much more. Recall that my right leg is now 1" shorter than my left leg. Wearing the flip flop makes the difference a true 1" vs when wearing a regular shoe which makes the difference closer to 2". I am to wear this post-surgery shoe until ..... I really don't know how long. I return to the foot/ankle dr on 2/1. I guess I'll find out then what is next. This "shoe" prevents my toes from moving.

I sleep in this "shoe", also. The only time it is removed is when I shower. And I'm supposed to only weight bear through my heel. This "shoe" makes that the only option.

Well, I have a few other things to manage tonight before heading to sleep soon. Know that....
Blessings Abound!

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