Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tue, 08/18/09: 5 miles. I could likely guess the route I triked. People were quite friendly, giving me plenty of time & space on our shared road.

Again, people call out to affirm the cool factor of this trike.

I know I took pics, but in a state of not sure where my camera is located w/o getting out of bed. I am exhausted today. It seems there are magnetic forces pulling me toward the earth. I took a brief "nap" this afternoon. Past time for me to be in bed tonight. Been working to get the myriad activities organized for tomorrow. This way I'll get up, go, do, return. Going to be another long day. Discovering that my ADD is more an issue here. Perhaps b/c there are more deadlines.

I'll post whatever pic(s) I took soon. Heading to the OBX for time away and family celebrations. If the weather co-ops then I'll ride.

Blessings Abound!

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