Here is my new flag. It is a PIRATE flag, which, I hear is a theme of the OBX Marathon (date = Nov 8th, 7:20 AM, EST) - Arrrrgh, Mate! I had a pirate bottle holder to secure my water bottle in my trike bottle holder, but on a trail today, apparently it was jostled out. I didn't want to take the time to go find it. It will be a special treat for a lucky scavenger along that trail.
I wondered if these birds were gathering over my head b/c they smelled my stinky body. I didn't shave my legs all week b/c at the university where I'm teaching a class this was spirit week. Friday was PIRATE vs NINJA. I was a pirate and wanted to have authentic legs (& yes, armpits, too). SO, when I saw these birds circling above, I knew I smelled bad, but wasn't aware of how bad I smelled :-)
This is a trail I found. I knew it was "somewhere", but didn't realize it was close to the route I rode today. As I was turning around to head back to my town, I saw people getting their bikes from inside their vehicle. SO, I triked on over and voila`, there was the trail. It was 3 miles long. At several places the tree routes caused the formerly smooth paved trail to be terribly bumpy. I assume it was on one of these such places that I lost my pirate bottle holder & my bottle of water. Time was important to me today so I didn't look for the really wonderful pirate bottle holder. Perhaps I'll collect another one someday. This split rail fence reminded me of the trails from back in MI.
A bridge on the trail. I think there was water underneath.
This was my view at MILE 500!!! I've triked (over) 500 miles outdoors since April of this year (2009). Ironically, perhaps, this is the house where I got dressed for my wedding. It was in a much more glorious state back in the day. Appears it hasn't been cared for the way the Clark family cared for it.
I picked up a couple kernels of corn as I crossed over a long, tall bridge today. But, I haven't photographed them yet. This bridge was more difficult than the bridge at the OBX crossing over to Manteo. But, I made it & it added strength to my leg muscles and confidence.
A bridge on the trail. I think there was water underneath.
This was my view at MILE 500!!! I've triked (over) 500 miles outdoors since April of this year (2009). Ironically, perhaps, this is the house where I got dressed for my wedding. It was in a much more glorious state back in the day. Appears it hasn't been cared for the way the Clark family cared for it.
I picked up a couple kernels of corn as I crossed over a long, tall bridge today. But, I haven't photographed them yet. This bridge was more difficult than the bridge at the OBX crossing over to Manteo. But, I made it & it added strength to my leg muscles and confidence.
GOD is ever present. I am living by faith. Faith that GOD will provide the next "leg" of the journey I am on. I read these verses today and they fit the exact sentiment of my heart:
"Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. The troubles of my heart have multiplied; free me from my anguish. . . . Guard my life and rescue me; let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you. May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in you" (Psalm 25:16-17, 20-21).
This is all I have - hope in GOD. I believe GOD is in all matters of my life, guiding me, protecting me, guarding me, rescuing me, freeing me, hiding me. One of the things I love about triking is the opportunity to get away from the lists, unable to create any more lists. Oh, my thoughts turn to all the other things I need to add to the list, but after a few more pedal strokes I forget them. They do not matter (well, yes they do, but not when the list consumes my being). GOD is all that matters. ALL.
Blessings Abound!
500 Miles!!! Sweet! It still looks warm down there....